In a previous blog, we discussed the 8 Things Every Healthcare Provider Should Have on Their Website, and one of which is a testimonial section. Great testimonials come from great reviews.

But how do you ask patients for reviews that you can post online?

Four Ways to Ask for Patient Reviews

Here are some simple ways to do so:

1. E-review surveys

Ask for their emails and disclose how you’ll use their emails for patient surveys and getting their feedback, as well as sending them helpful reminders.

Most patients will answer surveys if they are short and concise.

So before putting the link to your survey, inform them how quick and breezy it will be (and make sure it is), and what benefits they’ll get from answering the survey.

Telling the patients that their review will help the institution improve or maintain good practices will motivate them to give extra time and effort.


2. Onsite paper review survey

Have a waiting area before check out where you can hand them a one-page multiple choice survey with a line for additional comments. This will give them something to do while waiting, and it can help you get an informative review.


3. Mail-in review survey

You can mail a self-stamped postcard that the patient can fill out and send back at their convenience. Some patients still go the paper route and would not know how to navigate the web. Others may not have access to computers or know how to use one.

Just make sure you get their permission to add it to the online reviews.


4. Phone review survey

Inform the patient ahead of time that they will be getting a call for post-consultation feedback. Tell them it will be short and sweet (again, make sure it is). This way the patients will answer their phones, and you’ll get the feedback you need. Again, ask for permission to add to the online reviews.

You can also set up one via a mobile app, because many people are on their Smartphones before and after doctor visits.


And if you’re wondering whether patients surveys would be harmful or helpful to your healthcare practice, read our previous blog that also covers what makes a great survey.

Why Patient Reviews Are Important

Patient reviews are great motivators for health care providers to give the best standard of care.

Dr. Thomas H. Lee is a practicing internist and a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and a professor of health policy and management at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. He wrote an article about how the University of Utah went this route in Online Reviews Could Help Fix Medicine.

In the article he says, “University of Utah leaders realized that putting their patient information on the Web wasn’t mere marketing – it was creating a powerful motivation for physicians to give every patient the best, most empathic care. Financial incentives to improve patient experience could never have produced this kind of change. What mattered was physicians’ awareness that every patient visit is a high stakes encounter – the biggest event of the patient’s day or even month. As one orthopedist put it, ‘It forces me to be on top of my game for every single patient.’”


The best marketing is still providing the best patient care. And the best reviews you can get are from patients who are truly satisfied and happy. And if they’re not, this should not deter you from getting those reviews, but instead, motivate you to address them and improve your practice.

Not sure how to set up patient reviews, or maybe you just don’t have the time? At the Steeplechase company, we can help you grow your practice and reach the patients who need you. Contact us for a FREE practice review today!

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How to Ask Patients for Online Reviews
Want to reach more patients at your practice? Here are four ways to get online reviews to improve your practice and your digital marketing strategy.